“AI” has become the ultimate buzzword. The term is being used at the drop of a hat. Every company and vendor claims to have some form of artificial intelligence powering their solution. Whether it’s streamlining your hiring process or predicting the perfect candidate, AI seems to be the answer to every recruiters’ prayer.

But here’s the catch: Is all AI actually AI? Or are some vendors sticking a shiny “AI-powered” sticker on their tech to get in the game? There’s a lot of confusion, especially for non-technical leaders in talent acquisition (TA). You might find yourself wondering, How can I tell the difference between real AI and fake, shiny AI claims?

Fear not. We’re here to shed some light on the matter. Let’s cut through the noise and help you identify where the real value lies in AI-driven recruitment tools.

AI Everywhere: Real Innovation or Clever Distraction?

Let’s be real – there’s a reason why AI is such a hot commodity in the market. The idea of having an automated tool to solve hiring challenges is attractive. But the buzz around AI has also led to a lot of companies using the term loosely to get into the limelight. Whether or not their solution genuinely uses AI is often questionable.

And this creates a problem for talent acquisition leaders. When you’re bombarded with smart-sounding tech jargon, it’s easy to be swept away by the flashy promises. But the result of this often is poor decision-making, which can hurt both your hiring goals and your budget. This issue is even more pressing for those outside the technical community, who may not be familiar with the nuts and bolts of AI.

Let’s face it: if something sounds smart, it’s easy to assume it is smart. But smart doesn’t always mean real. So, how do you tell the difference between clever marketing and actual innovation?

Buzzwords Aren’t AI – Don’t Get Fooled

Here’s where things get tricky. Many companies use fancy buzzwords like “algorithm” or “machine learning” to make their products sound cutting-edge. But these terms don’t necessarily mean they’re using AI.

For example, a recruitment tool might claim to use an “advanced algorithm” to match candidates to jobs. That sounds impressive, right? But in reality, an algorithm is simply a set of rules or calculations to solve a problem – it’s not necessarily AI. So while it might be effective, it’s not the same as having a machine learn and improve over time, which is what true AI does.

Let’s talk about machine learning next. Now, this is a form of AI, but not every tool that mentions machine learning is actually implementing it in a meaningful way. Some vendors might throw the term around to sound sophisticated, even if their tech is just using basic data analytics.

As a TA leader, it’s critical to know when these terms are being used to mislead you. Because if you’re paying for AI but only getting a standard algorithm or machine-learning driven tech, you’re not getting the full value you expect. That’s why understanding the difference between buzzwords and actual AI can save you from wasting time and budget on the wrong tools.

“Where’s the AI?” Test – How to Evaluate Vendors

So how do you ensure you’re not being tricked by clever marketing? It’s time to put vendors to the test. Before signing on the dotted line, challenge your AI vendors with specific questions about how their technology works. You’re essentially saying, “Where’s the AI?” (Yes, kind of like the famous “Where’s the beef?” ad from the ‘80s.)

Here are some key questions you should be asking:

  • How does your AI work? And, don’t settle for vague answers. Ask them to walk you through the process of how their AI helps solve a specific problem. If their explanation is full of technical jargon with no substance, that’s a red flag.
  • What data does your AI use to learn and improve? Real AI relies on large sets of data to refine its processes. If a vendor can’t explain what data is feeding their AI, they might not be using true AI at all.
  • What measurable results has your AI-driven solution delivered for clients? Ask for case studies or concrete examples where their AI has driven real value for other companies. This could include improving hiring speed, reducing costs, or increasing the quality of hires.

Here are some resources you can refer to while preparing your RFPs. Be it a career site vendor, CRM vendor, or an AI-based recruitment tool, these resources can help.

By holding vendors accountable and demanding specific, transparent answers, you’ll get a clearer picture of whether their AI solution is the real deal or just smoke and mirrors.

Stay Skeptical, Stay Smart

At the end of the day, AI is a powerful tool, but it’s also easy to misunderstand or misuse. In a world where every company wants to claim the AI crown, it’s more important than ever to stay skeptical and ask the right questions.

As a talent acquisition leader, you owe it to your organization to demand more than just marketing fluff. Ask your vendors to prove their AI claims, and don’t be afraid to dig deeper. This will ensure you’re investing in real AI that drives real results. It’s time to lead the charge by partnering with vendors who can back up their claims with data, transparency, and measurable outcomes.