MOJO Social

The Only Social, Search, and Display Advertising Solution with Job-Level Targeting

Grow your reach beyond job sites. Attract active and passive job seekers that fit your job reqs across the World Wide Web. Meet your candidates where they live and play.


Rock Your Talent Sourcing Goals

Two-thirds of job seekers are passive, with an interest in finding that next great role, but they’re not actively looking. If you’re only distributing your reqs on job boards – where active applicants are spending their time – you’re losing out!

Typically, running social, search, and display ads with traditional recruitment marketing agencies means you can’t target the right candidate audiences at a job level. They just don’t have the data or AI capabilities… like us! Plus, their process usually has an extra step for your job seeker, ultimately increasing drop-offs and lowering your return on dollars spent.

It’s time each of your job ads got a social makeover and made friends with more passive candidates.

With MOJO Social, you get:

Passive candidates reached
More applications converted to hires
Less spent per hire

Reach passive job seekers

Find job seekers in their natural habitat: more than two million websites worldwide. (Take it in: Two. Million. Websites.) Target them with automated job ads across search engine pages, social media channels, news or shopping websites, other niche sites, and much more.

Target the right audience, for each job

Place your ads based on the way job seekers think, feel, and act. Use demographic and custom targeting, affinity audiences, and lookalike talent pools to reach the people you want. Yes, it’s a small after all.

Retarget great-fit candidates

Identify job seekers who bail on your application process (did we mention 90%+ do?) – and bring ‘em back with retargeting. Boost your click-to-apply conversion rates, lower your cost per application, and turn your funnel into the gift that keeps on giving!

Happy Customers

Success Stories

Mindfield Saves 20%+ per Application and Fills Its Funnel Faster with Joveo

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Leading Process Management Firm Achieves 200% Increase in Applicants Through Advanced Recruitment Strategy

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HealthTrust Tracks All Recruitment Media in One Place

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Mindfield Saves 20%+ per Application and Fills Its Funnel Faster with Joveo

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Leading Process Management Firm Achieves 200% Increase in Applicants Through Advanced Recruitment Strategy

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HealthTrust Tracks All Recruitment Media in One Place

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